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Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics


    Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics Free Mac Game full download easy to install in native format. Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics was published by Bethesda Softworks LLC.

    Genre : RPG, Open World
    Version : 1.0
    Developer : Black Isle Studios, Bethesda
    Developer website :
    Platform : Intel only
    Interface language : English
    Subtitle language : English, Russian (1C)

    About The Game

    In this page you can download Fallout 1 released in 1997, Fallout 2 released in 1998 and the spin-spin off game Fallout: Tactics for Mac.

    Fallout 1
    Released in 1997, Fallout takes place in a post-apocalyptic Southern California, beginning in the year 2161. The protagonist is tasked with recovering a water chip in the Wasteland to replace the broken chip in his or her underground shelter home, Vault 13. Fallout was originally intended to run under the GURPS role-playing game system However, a disagreement with the creator of GURPS, Steve Jackson, over the game’s violent content required Black Isle Studios to develop a new system, the SPECIAL. Fallout’s atmosphere and artwork are reminiscent of post-WWII America and the nuclear paranoia that was widespread at that time.

    Fallout 2
    Fallout 2 was released in 1998, with several improvements over the first game, including an improved game engine, the ability to set attitudes of non-player character (NPC) party members and the ability to push people who are blocking doors. Additional features included several changes to the game world, including significantly more pop culture jokes and parodies, such as multiple Monty Python-referencing special random encounters, and self-parodying dialogue that broke the fourth wall to mention game mechanics. Fallout 2 takes place eighty years after Fallout, and centers around a descendant of the Vault-Dweller, the protagonist of Fallout. The player assumes the role of the Chosen One as he tries to save his village, Arroyo, after several years of drought and death.

    Fallout: Tactics
    Tactics is the first Fallout game not to require the player to fight in a turn-based mode, and it is also the first to allow the player to customize the skills, perks, and combat actions of the rest of the party. Fallout Tactics focuses on tactical combat rather than role-playing; the new combat system included different modes, stances, and modifiers, but the player had no dialogue options. Most of the criticisms of the game came from its incompatibility with the story of the original two games, not from its gameplay. Fallout: Tactics includes a multiplayer mode that allows players to compete against squads of other characters controlled by other players. Unlike the previous two games, which are based in California, Fallout: Tactics takes place in the Midwestern United States. The game was released in early 2001 to generally favorable reviews.





    How to Download & Install Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics Mac Game

    1. Click the Download link below, you should already have installed a download client on your system.
    2. Notification will pop and say “that our site wants to open this application”. Click OK so it will open the client to let the download begin and wait for it to finish.
    3. Once the game Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics for Mac is done downloading:
      – Open .DMG
      – Drop into the applications folder
      – Open the game
    4. Play and Enjoy! :)
    5. If you like the game please support the developers by buying it…

    All games are in English.
    Fallout 1 can change Language modifying fallout.cfg inside app

    Mac System Requirements


    • System: Mac OS X 10.7.0 or later.
    • Processor: 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    • Memory: 2 GB
    • Graphics: 256 MB of video RAM
    • Hard drive space: 2 GB

    Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics Mac Free Download

    File Size: 2.68 GBFile Type: .dmg

    Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics (GOG) [Native]

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